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Quality System

At Delfasco, our goal is perfection. This ambition is the reason that in the 10 million plus Air Force and Navy Practice bombs we have shipped, there has not been a single field rejection. Our engineering, manufacturing and quality control processes are designed to create a zero defect environment and a six sigma level of production.




Delfasco has enjoyed a reputation for unsurpassed quality of workmanship since 1977, and we strive to maintain that hard-earned reputation through rigorous effort and sincere pride in our products. Delfasco's Four-Part Quality Systems Manual was developed in compliance with international standards for quality assurance. It replaced outdated military quality specifications, MIL-I-45208A contractors inspection systems, and MIL-Q-9858A quality program requirements and is ISO 9002 compliant. This manual serves as a guide for our supervisors and operators to ensure reliable and consistent products.


We have devoted considerable time and effort to both the development and implementation of our quality system to guarantee that the quality of our products and services exceed the expectations of our customers. At each level of our operation we strive to continually improve our tolerancing, reduce our material defects, and to identify and segregate any non-conforming products from moving forward to the next operation.


We plan and think quality in our daily work and adhere to the procedures of our quality manuals and process controls.



Delfasco’s state-of-the-art Statistical Process Control (SPC) data collection system eliminates manual data entry, which saves time and increases data accuracy. Data can be collected from virtually any digital measuring device that can be connected to a computer via a RS-232 communications port. After the data has been collected from a measuring device it is sent to our SPC software which takes the data and automatically performs all calculations. Within seconds a newly calculated control chart can be displayed providing us with almost instantaneous SPC information, to enhance our improvement objectives. When SPC data cannot be entered digitally but is required, the data can be entered manually by trained personnel.


We are proud of the consistency obtained by using our SPC data to drive our improvement process at the operator level. The data helps identify minor adjustments to the process as needed, which results in better products. The SPC data also allows us to identify potential problems in materials or equipment at the earliest possible point in the manufacturing process. The data obtained through our SPC system may be customized to meet customer requirements.

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